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Captain's Log. 21st of Granite.
Adalore advised me that the Skelks are gone for the moment.
In their place, a Skeletal polar bear.
I had not had to face one of these in some time.

I have clearly developed in skill. Whereas once they were a challenge, they are now only slightly more difficult than the Skelks.

A child pulled me aside today. He asked me why it was so white outside.
I told him that everything was covered in snow.
He asked me what was below the snow.
I told him that bones were below the snow.

This is Nist Akath. This is where the undead come to find rest.
This is where they come to find my kindly axe.

I found myself singing as I fought today.

Nist Akath.
Atast Osod.
Nukad Umid, Kobem Nokor.
Arged Shimbil, Atol Nosim Tat Zilir Rash.
Atol Nosim Tarmid Libash.
Dumur Shasad, Osal Okbod.

Fear the Winter.
Brave the Bones.
Victims fall, to the troubled dead.
The sons of bitches find the kindly touch of eternal death.
They find the kindly blade of my axe.
The haunting melody, it sings their doom.

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