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Captain's Log. 15th of Galena.
I went to visit Bomrek on a social visit today, but she was, surprisingly, actually busy.
Apparently, she was dealing with the insanity of an Atir Tombstandards, a naked, and now completely mad, lady dwarf. She was, by accounts, still holding onto the pick she used as a miner.
Apparently citizens had been complaining, partly because she's acting crazy in the larder, but mainly because of the nudity.

I must admit shock. I've worked with Atir, and she never struck me as the sort to go mad at the drop of a spoon.

It was at this time we heard the babbling and profane shouts outside the office.
We checked on the commotion, and could do little but watch as she flung herselves into the abyss central to the Stairwell of Sorrow.

"Another one." Bomrek observed. "We better go see the damage."

I followed her down and found the body laying on the floor at the bottom.
She was laying on top of one of my best engravings. I pointed it out to Bomrek and she whistled her approval at my fine engraving.
Blood also served to highlight a few of my other works. All very good.
I still can't say that I approve of people plummeting at it.

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