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Captain's Log. 16th of Hematite.
Busy day.
The lass Solon Fairabres has taken control of a crafts workshop and run in search of ingredients for her masterpiece. I have to say, I didn't like the look in her eye. It seemed unnatural.

Then the humans arrived. Lots of them, too. I ordered a whole load of our 'quality goods' be dispatched to the depot, but I'm not sure if it will be enough.

I'm glad they arrived though, the booze has nearly run out.
We have a severe shortfall of barrels.

And lastly, the goblins arrived. Fortunately, they have brought with them the woefully inadequate firepower we have come to expect from them, and I dispatched our glorious troops to take care of the problem before the humans want to go and get slaughtered by the green little bastards.

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