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Captain's Log. 17th of Obsidian.
At last, the madness induced frenzy of creation fades from my mind.
I admit, immediately afterward I felt slightly disoriented, and I seem to remember having a cat on top of me for a while, at some point. I don't know why.
I looked at my work, as if for the first time.
It sat there, a Gabbro cabinet. Encrusted with gabbro, and clear tourmaline, studded with bismuth and encircled with bands of onyx, zinc and turtle shell. It stood adorned with hanging rings of onyx.
An image, engraved in trifle pewter, decorated the door, it pictured an image of humans speaking with we dwarves (clearly a picture of myself trading.)
I looked at my notes, and the name Kal Berim stood out. "The Smiles of Artifice."
It's a large piece of furniture... yet I find this irresistible need to keep it on my person...