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Captain's Log. 14th of Spring.
For most regions of the world, springtime brings new life.
Out here on the tundra, it just brings the Elves.

For some reason we trade with them, rather than hacking them to bits like history usually shows.
All in all, it's generally a quiet time. But I don't trust them. I'll remember their treachery in casually letting the Skelks attack us forever.

And now I find out that Lorn, after meeting with the Elven Noble, has paid a quick trip to the trading depot to talk to the traders, apparently attempting to find out why the Skelks don't bother them, but relentlessly assault everyone else.

I admit, this intrigues me as well, but I don't like the way he's going about gathering the information so secretly. It's like he has some other agenda.

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