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Captain's Log. 3rd of Opal.
Busy week, this one. Full of bizarre occurrences.
On the more annoying front, I've posted all the military outside the fortress, guarding the gates. We had a goblin incident last month where they launched a surprise attack on a gate.
Unfortunately for them the gate was well trapped and they were all horribly killed.
Regardless of their ill fortune, the military have been milling around doing not-much-at-all. Other than annoying the local populace, and they seem to have gotten up Nosey's... nose. Hm.
In other news, the Baron came to see me.
He had a request for his tomb. A 'little bit of furniture' he called it.
Naturally my immediate expectation would be for a chest or something. That would be sane, after all.
The 'word' sane should have immediately tipped me off that it was going to be unusual.
He asked for a bed. As in, the sort you may sleep in.
I asked him why, and he thought that since he had to spend all of time down there, after the inevitable happened, he might get tired sometimes and need a nap.
I could not dissuade him that it would be unnecessary, and am quite grateful we have a few extras laying around.
Still damn weird, though.
We're also nearly done with the shrine on the surface, overlooked by the fort.
I'm quite pleased with it, as it is made from gold and platinum. Very expensive.
And part of a very deadly trap!