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Captain's Log. 28th of Hematite.
It had been a while.
I thought the madness might be over, but now a carpenter, the lady Olin Laboreddays, has withdrawn from society, running to the carpenter's workshop, and laying claim to it.
She hung sketches of a forest up, for all to see.
I took her aside, and had a kind word.
"Olin," I said, "We'd all like to see a forest again, but we're in the middle of an endless tundra. I don't think it's going to happen."
I don't think she really understood me, though. It's a pity. I hope she snaps out of it before it breaks her.
Captain's Log. 4th of Malachite
Good news and bad news.
Good news, the elves are dead. Waste not want not. I'm sure we'll find something to do with their belongings. And bones.
However, somebody tore down part of the wall for Olin. I ordered it sealed back up with stone. I suppose it has to be done sometime, anyway.
She began some sort of construction, using all three logs they tore down.
In the end she turned it into a magnificent chest. She called it 'Intensedrove'. Sounds utterly mad.
Has a picture on it of a dwarf striking down an elk, though, so it can't be all bad.
I asked her if I could have it, and she told me to get stuffed. I guess she wants to hang on to it for a bit.