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Captain's Log. 5th of Obsidian.
A rare event, but not unheard of. Today, young Meng Pagepear, a grown up daughter of Keller and Zangief, was slain by the Skelk menace.
Keller was on the scene, and witness to the event.
Unfortunately, that also meant that she had brought most of her family with her.
The Skelk descended upon her family, slaying the child Edem Pagepear.
Keller was so enraged she fought them off with her bare hands, assisting Archibess (who I really can't understand being the Hammerer, it still boggles my mind), in fighting off the menace.
There's really nothing a mayor can say, or do, in a situation like this. It really doesn't help that these children were just common dwarves, and therefore won't be interred in the same area their parents will be.