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Captain's Log. 27th of Felsite.
Clearly the effects of last nights slaughter have yet to take their full measure.
Today, the baby most recently nursed by the late baroness threw itself into the Stairwell of Sorrow.
Most of it settled on Dumed's masterpiece "The Blotch of Hogs", an image of a goblin making a plaintive gesture.
The baby's right upper leg rested on Dumed's less masterful, but still excellent "The Leaky Interior Door." An image of a goblin shooting a dwarf.
The left upper leg was on top of my own rather nice image, "The Convenient Waviness". An image of a dwarf striking down a goblin. It was about the time I struck down a goblin. For the first time that is.
The whole Pantlashed family is quite angry, and miserable, and surely this death won't ease their suffering.