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"So, Kodor, after that battle with the Chaos Lord, you can't have come straight here." Captain Ironblood observed, shifting the topic back to his brother's tale.

"Indeed not, brother. In fact, that only occurred back in the summer of 69."

"So presumably you did more than aimlessly wander with the young lady here."

"Well, yes. Truth be told, we did wander in that manner for some time. Saw the world, fell in love, etc. Certainly nothing as epic as we'd previously done. We tried in vain to uncover more information about the Progeny. Eventually, we figured fate had abandoned us, as we'd already cleared out the majority of the menaces in that region. We opted to try to settle down somewhere."

Melica chuckled at this. "We never did though. Always kept moving, right up until now. Did a lot of mercenary work, guarding traders and the like. I guess travelling was in our bones."

"So what happened?" asked the Captain.

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