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Mayoral Report - Lokum Lerommeng, 21st of Galena 1089
The last entries in this book are from the founding of the fortress.... and are mostly illustrations of a rude nature. I suspect the Captain did not enjoy paperwork very much. I guess it's up to me to rectify that. 'It's Time For A Change!' got me elected, but I have to follow through.
Fortunately the job does not seem difficult for the most part... once I get past thirty years of backdated paperwork that BurnedToast has for me.
How distressing. And it seems the Captain has disappeared into the tundra on some sort of weird spiritual journey. I had hoped him to be a valued advisor.
Today Duncan the tax collector (I hadn't even known we had one until today), put out some kind of mandate for rose gold items to be manufactured. This would be fine, we have rose gold, unfortunately we lack any fuel of any kind. I asked the metalsmith what she could do without fuel and she laughed in my face. Then kept on laughing while she walked away, becoming quiet, then bursting into laughter yet again. Rather disconcerting, really.